Design and Evaluation of a Hybrid 2D-SWZCC OCMDA System with Multicarrier MM-Wave


  • Zaid Jabbar Al-Allaq


millimeter-wave (MM-Wave), optical code division multiple access (OCDMA), and two-dimensional single-weighted zero cross-correlation (2D-SWZCC).


This paper presents a hybrid communication system combining optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) and multicarrier millimeter-wave (MM-Wave) architecture operating at 35, 55, 75, and 95 GHz connected to a home network center (HNC) and the end user (EU). Hybrid Link reduces congestion on complex RF networks by combining optical fiber backhaul with radio links. The OptiSystem simulation demonstrates successful data transmission and transmission capacity at 40 Gbps over various distances. Furthermore, this new 40G-MM wave OCDMA system that takes advantage of a two-dimensional single-weighted zero cross-correlation (2D-SWZCC) system with a multiplexing scheme of polarization wavelength multiplies the same N channels to M OCDMA code of the MM-Wave system that dramatically increased scalability. The comparative analysis shows that the proposed 2D-SWZCC hybrid algorithm outperforms 1D-SWZCC regarding scalability. This study contributes to developing communication algorithms with high data rates and provides promising solutions for method limitations and scalability in hybrid-MM-Wave-OCDMA architectures.





