Utilizing Elliptical Ring IMI-Plasmonic Waveguides, Nanomaterials in Nanophotonic Structure for All-Optical 2 × 1 Demultiplexer


  • Mohammed Sabah Talib
  • Faris Al-Jaafiry


2×1 Demultiplexer; plasmonic; SSP; Demux; Transmutation.


In many industries, particularly electronics, photonic devices are indispensable. However, the diffraction limit and miniaturization are the two problems that have hampered the development of photonics devices. These problems are resolved by plasmonic devices, which enable nanophononics and nanodevices. One of the primary all-optical demultiplexer components utilized in an all-optical Athematic Logic Unit (ALU), which is regarded as the basic building block for all-optical computers, is a plasmonic demultiplexer This paper provides a new design for an elliptical ring insulator-metal-insulator (IMI) plasmonic waveguide-based all-optical demultiplexer (Demux). The suggested device has a small footprint (300 nm × 250 nm) and works at a 1550 nm wavelength. Demux has a 0.5 transmission threshold between logic zero and logic one states. Transmission (T), extinction ratio (contrast ratio (CR)), modulation depth (MD), and insertion loss (IL) are the four metrics that best explain the performance of the plasmonic Demux. The suggested structural dimensions are outstanding and optimal based on the values of MD for Demux which is (95.87%). The device's maximum transmission efficiency is 56.84%. The suggested plasmonic Demux structure makes a substantial contribution to all-optical signal processing Nano-circuits and nano-photonics integrated circuits. Using COMSOL Multiphysics, we simulate the proposed plasmonic Demux using the Finite Element Method (FEM).





