Question Answering System Based on Bideirectional Long-Short-Term Memory (Bilstm)


  • Sahar Sami Raheem Katib
  • Mohammed Hasan Abdulameer


Natural language processing, Question answering system, deep learning, LSTM, BiLSTM.


In the modern world, Q&A systems are essential for promoting better communication between people and technology. These systems play an important role in collecting information quickly and efficiently, and this leads to great progress in learning, teaching and development in many areas of life. Using deep learning techniques, this research addresses the problem of excellent prediction of the questions that need to be answered. We created a question-and-answer system using "Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM)", a modern neural network known for its accuracy and results in text analysis and natural language understanding. This technique is more effective in understanding questions and producing very accurate answers because of its special ability to pay attention to preceding and following information in a sentence. Preprocessing was used to remove unnecessary, unimportant and time-consuming data. The "Stanford Question Answering Dataset version 2 (SQuAD 2.0)" was used, which is considered one of the important datasets used in the field of machine learning and natural language processing. The following evaluation metrics were used to evaluate the model’s performance: “Mean Average Precision (MAP), Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR), Recall, Precision, Loss, F1 Score, and Exact Match (EM). The results, based on 150 epochs (EPOGs) and 128 batch sizes with a cleaned dataset split into 70% training and 30% test/validation (15% each), are as follows: "Precision (0.966), Loss (0.591), F1-score (0.966), Recall (0.967), EM (0.967), MRR (0.918), MAP (0.776), and accuracy (0.966)". Interestingly, the highest performance was observed when using the accuracy measure.





